A listful of sugar 2001-06-19 .
then / after

(I got this idea from Star Trek Voyageur last night. When an ensign everyone thought died, but came back to the ship alive, but her DNA was changed tothe aliens that had found her. She and Harry go around the ship doing things she had made a list of.)

Things I want to do (in no particular order):

1. Follow through with the "program".

2. Get a better job.

3. Save up enough money to move out with Nicole if she moves back here.

4. Graduate from university before I'm 27.

5. Teach English in Japan.

6. Learn Japanese.

7. Become more likeable.

8. Learn to like clubs so I can at least enjoy myself a little bit when I go out with friends.

9. Become more well-read.

10. Read up more on current events.

11. Act my age a little bit more.

12. Try to quit smoking.

13. Decorate my room so that it really looks like a university student lives in it.

14. Make more friends, rather than acquaintances.

15. Stop buying small trivial items that I only use once, or only buy because it looks cool.

16. Pass my driving test.

17. Learn to talk more about others, than about myself. (Or to turn the conversation towards myself.)

18. Appreciate my parents more.

19. Learn to not let my dad piss me off so easily.

20. Live my own life without letting my parents interfere with my every little decision.

I'll add more when I can think of more :P


then / after