East coast 2003-09-05 .
then / after

I have found a new toy. Ebay. I don't know if you guys know...but I'm a huge Hello Kitty fan. That's not to say I'm a lonely fangirl that buys EVERYTHING Hello Kitty. I enjoy browsing the products, especially the more fun accessories that Sanrio comes out with, like the alarm clocks, jewelry, that kind of stuff. Well, I just recently got myself a proper cell phone, and got rid of my pay-as-you-go one (I was using up a months' worth of minutes in a single night), but because I am such a superficial girly-girl sometimes (ok, all the time) I needed to get my shiny happy phone some accessories. I remembered Mei having tons of Hello Kitty accessories, so I searched on the internet, but everything was about 20-30 US dollars! So on a whim I went to Ebay. Hello Kitty! Okay, lame joke, but still, there are TONS of Hello Kitty things out there! I started making bids too....now..I just need to tell my dad about it so when he gets his credit card bill he doesn't flip :P

I have placed bids on a Mashimaro cell phone strap, a Hello Kitty contact lens case, and a Mashimaro contact lens case. The Hamtaro one was much cuter...but Mashimaro! I like saying that more :)

I need some computer games or something. I'm hella bored.


then / after