que es un juego sin reglas la pasi�n 2001-02-22 .
then / after

Not much happens in my world, especially since school is out for a week for "Reading Week." No one really reads for the entire week, or does a lot of work for school. It's not like people in university are given a whole week off school just so we can do extra work. Not that that is not exactly what I am doing with my time off....

The whole reason we get a week off from school is because of the suicide rate. I had no idea it was that until I overhead some people at school talking about it. Apparently the suicide rates go up around halfway through the second semester of school. Trent gets two weeks off from school, but we only get one. I'd never heard of anyone at Carleton or U of O committing suicide over school. I know it's conceivable, I've just never heard of it happening.

I saw the most interesting thing when I was downtown the other day. I walked out onto Rideau Street, and this guy was playing the guitar. That wasn't the unusual part, the unusual part was that he had a metal prosthetic arm! I did a double-take when I walked past him, he was just standing there so casually strumming his guitar like it was no big deal. I suppose to some extent it's not a big deal to him, because it's something he lives with everyday, on the same token it is a big deal because of what it is. Although...I suppose if he could afford to have the metal part of the prosthetic for an arm, he could have also gotten the "skin" for it, so maybe he was looking for sympathy as he busked. Which, if you've got to have a signature, what better than playing a guitar with a metal arm? He got my looney for ingenuity.

Yeah. Impress me and you get money, not a bad deal huh? I once got Maryam to kick our grade 8 English teacher in the ass for 20$. I didn't think she'd really do it, but she did. He didn't even do anything when she did it, he just turned around and asked what happened, and she was standing there laughing, and he just went back to what he was doing. I need to get back into taking pictures, I feel like such a sloth about it.

Anyways, I haven't really got anything else to write about...I'm listening to the Italian dance music again, that's the only reason I'm still awake at 4:30am. I think once I turn off winamp I'll just end up collapsing in front of my computer, let's try shall we....


then / after