James and I 2001-03-27 .
then / after

My ICQ history with James, with some discreet editing.

Him: *Shrug* I don't remember....it's easy though, you'll find it ;)
Me: Bah!
Him: In any case, I've got to head to bed. Enjoy your little road trip, sweet dreams. hehe, I was about to tell you to give Aur a hug for me, then I remembered I don't hug her so that wouldn't make any sense ;)
Me: So you believe me now!!!!
Him: about what?
Me: That there wasn't anything shady going on because me and aur wanted to drive you around the city
Him: *shrug* I was just being paranoid, forgot all about any suspicions long before I talked to aur.
Me: bah. Go to bed :P Goodnight :P


Him: Hello, how goes?
Me: hey :) what's up?
Him: not much...where did aur go??
Me: she went to make a phone call, she said she'd be back.
Him: Ah, ok. How come you two aren't in IRC?
Me: cause i'm downloading songs to burn them onto a cd
Him: Bah, dull stuff
Me: it's fun! You still have to give me song names
Him: What am I getting paid?
Me: Eh? *Confused*
Him: hehe, nevermind ;)
Me: what!
Him: It was a badly worded joke that made no sense ;)
Me: THAT was a joke???

Him: Hello? Oh, by the way...we were wondering last night...why did you suddenly scream and say "I'm tired of being talked at" and leave?
Me: I was just frustrated :P
Him: With me, or with something at home?
Me: with you and aur :P but it's all good now :P
Him: Maybe for you...but now I'm confused? Why would you be frustrated with me and Aur suddenly? [Clip] you've always understood in the past.....
Me: I know I know, I told you, it's all good now, so that's it :P
Him: Except that I think you had some other reason.... *Shrug* If you were going to tell me what it was you'd already have done so. Sweet dreams.
Me: night

Him: There's no doubt that I have "Knight in Shining Armor" tendancies...but that is with all my female friends....not just the ones I fall for. I actually do fall for ones without problems occasionally, heck even Girl.A.
Me: she's not all that perfect :) I think you know that on some unconscious level :P
Him: Either way, she's better than I am. That's one of the reasons I always knew she'd never be interested. I've got nothing to offer somebody like that.
Me: You've got her on an incrediably high pedestal.
Him: I'm also standing in a ditch ;)
Me: You are not!!
Him: hehe, it was a joke dear....I'm well past my angsty depressed days. The fact is though that I am the type of guy that has only one thing he can offer to any woman; his heart....and that is something she doesn't want from anyone...so there is litterally nothing I have to offer her.....it's not a matter of her being on a pedestal.
Me: I dont' know why you always say that about yourself.
Me: Are you kidding me?! That's exactly what girls are looking for!!!
Him: That's what girls say they are looking for....few actually are....she in particular is not looking for that....she's said as much repeatedly.
Me: :
Him: It's the truth...you've heard her say it herself.....that is why I say I have nothing to offer her....because I don't...at least not something she has any interest in at this stage. Even if she did, mine wouldn't be the one she'd look for.
Me: I know..there's just nothing I can say to that..
Him: Wasn't expectig anything, just making sure you understand. I can't really move on, and I can't tell her...I'm stuck until something new enters my life.
Me: what happend with the girl you met at barrymores? The one form your school?
Him: ?? That was at Rideau, not Barrymores.....it's almost been two weeks, and she hasn't tried to contact me.
Well call her!
Him: I can't!!! I don't have her # or her e-mail address...she has my e-mail address though, and said she'd get in touch...it's all up to her now.
Me: Well hrmph..you should take a pen and paper with you to barrymores from now on :P
Him: It wasn't at barrymores that I ran into her...it was at the bus top at Rideau....I didn't get her number because she had to get her bus.
Me: well...hrrmph.

Him: You're forest green....did you know that?
Me: Huh?
Him: Something I was thinking about on the way home....thinking about my friends and determining colours and textures that represent them according to my psyche
Me: How did I end up forest green? And what colour is Lisa?
Him: I don't know exactly why you are forest green....not sure why my dad is a really dark navy blue either......lisa doesn't seem to have a color though
Me: Then how did you apply names to colours then? I'm confused.
Him: *shrug* I just envisioned it.....I started thinking your name....then I started thinking colours.....and I matched them up.

Yeah I know, this is a freakin' long entry, and none of it is really me talking about anything. But Lisa dared me to put up my entire icq log with James, but it's almost a whole K when I saved it to my hard-drive. So I figured cutting and pasting some stuff would be some nifty brain-candy.

*SQUISH* *SQUISH* I'm squishing your head! I'm squishing your head!! Hahahahaha.... I love The Kids In The Hall, I used to have the biggest crush on Dave Foley and Bruce McCullough.


then / after