Put up or shut up 2003-08-07 .
then / after

I should be sleeping. I am tired, and cranky, and snarky. It's kinda like PMS without the bloating and irritation. I need something new to focus on. I get the feeling that people at work think that my entire world revolves around Work, and that is so not the case. I like to think that I'm a hard worker, but I'm not sure if by working hard I'm trying to prove something to Them, or myself. My entire life does not revolve around work though. I like most of the people I work with, there are aspects of my job I find enjoyable, and I like the perks that come along with a job like mine. I don't think I could be able to deal with the dregs of humanity on a daily basis.

Why do all conversations have to be contests? Either they're contests, or there's a huge lack of caring. Or all I hear about is what's going on with him. It's like pulling teeth. Condescending teeth at that. What happend to the old conversations? I don't like being talked down to.

My side hurts every time I take a deep breath. My shoulders also hurt. I need a massage. I'm not really diggin' this new layout. I was going for a bit of a night clubby vibe. I am too tired to write a proper entry. BLARGH.

"Hello, I'm calling about a book..."

"I'm sorry, we're fresh out of books. Can I interest you in a nice pair of shoes and a mochachino?"


then / after