Boonieville 2003-08-07 .
then / after

While listening to CFRA with my dad on the way home, the radio interviewer was talking to a doctor/journalist on cloning. (I'm not really sure..I was tired, and this was after work.) and the conversation went pretty much like this:

Cloning Guy: "So they have ideas on making an exoskeleton...."

Interviewer: This reminds me of a see..I have a foot...and favourite movie is It's A Wonderful Life...errr..and you see my one foot is bigger than the other..."

CG: "Yes..uh huh..So anyways, the exoskeleton's DNA can be manipulated..."

Interviewer: "If you could look at my foot now, one is even growing bigger than the other. Now do you think...err..have there been journals written on this? Did you know I have a low sperm-count?"

It pretty much went on like this until we finally got home. I think I need to encourage my father to stop listening to that station and switch to CBC, or at least a book-on-tape would be more educational than CFRA. As it is, that radio station has about as much educational value as boiled broccoli does nutrients.

Life without the ability to drive has HUGE and VAST amounts of suckage attached to it, it's almost painful. I can't go out shopping any old time I feel like. I can't drive myself into town to meet friends. I have to be driven to and from *EVERYWHERE*. How did I ever manage to reach over the age of 20 without the ability to drive before? Oh that's right. I didn't live in the BOONIES before. OH! I wrote a survey! I was bored last night and wrote one up. It's only eight questions though. The link for it is in the top left box called "The menu" - labelled, appropriately, "Take my survey." I'm so original I bleed.


then / after