The one about the engagement 2003-03-12 .
then / after

I never meant to cause you trouble,
And I never meant to do you wrong,
And I, well if I ever caused you trouble,
O no, I never meant to do you harm.

I feel like I'm suffocating some days. A lot of days. You would think that at my age that I would be somewhere further than this...this. What is this? I think I'm on that cusp where living with your parents is still okay because I'm still in school, but the fact that I need to pass everything that I do by them before I do it, is what throws most people off. And rightly so.

Am I a part of the cure, or am I part of the disease?

I contribute to the suffocation I suppose, it's easier to go along with it rather than go against it. I guess that's what everyone means when they say I'm too passive. I like being passive. It means that I can sit back and watch what goes on from the sidelines and then make my decisions as to where I go and what I want to say. I can still keep my own opinions and individuality, but I can listen to all sides of a topic and draw my conclusions from that. I'm not always right, I know that, no one is.

The only downside is that when I speak up no one listens. It makes me scream, and it doesn't matter that I do, no one's listening anyways.

How come when the most amazing and wonderful things happen to your friends, all you can think of is why it isn't happening to you? I want what Lisa has.


then / after