Diet Pepsi 2001-04-20 .
then / after

Summer Songs

Superman's Song - Crash Test Dummies
Life - Our Lady Peace
Miss Jones - Robbie Williams
Woman Trouble - Artful Dodger w/ Craig David
Flavour Of The Week - American Hi-Fi
Peter Pumpkinhead - Crash Test Dummies
On My Own - Peach Union

Yeah I know, don't chastise me because you don't like some of the artists or songs here. It's been a slow couple of weeks, and these songs just fit my mood. It's been the perfect weather. Cold enough to need a sweater, but warm enough to not need a coat, so I don't have to expose my nekkid arms to the world. Yay!

Yay again, I'm going to Ohio to visit my friend Holly in a week! I'm so excited, but today has been so mellow and slow going that I have no energy to write about it. Sitting in front of my computer now, and listening to these songs has zapped all my energy and put it in a little bottle.

I'm getting African Dwarf Frogs tomorrow, they're about the size of a penny and colourful. I'm excited about that too, not as excited as seeing Holly next week, but it's a close second. Holly and Frogs, that's what's new in my life...aren't I just terribly interesting?

I had my 20th Century Lit exam last week, which I bombed. One section asked us to choose 2 of 3 questions to answer, and I thought it said to choose one. Then I messed up the quotes section. Bah. Exams suck. Maybe I'll study for my next one. I only have two exams, how sweet is that? My last one is Wednesday, I only had two. Have I studied for it since my 20th Lit one? No.

Some of my friends are moving away this summer. Some are also moving back. That's one of the things I hate about the school year ending, friends moving away. I'm glad that Nicole and Kristina are coming back, but I've realized that I've kept the same circle of friends since elementary school. And how often do I see or talk to them? Maybe 3 or 4 times in the whole year. I never really made friends easily, I think I come across as a little haughty or something with my attitude, but I don't think I'm like that at all. But I don't realize what I'm losing until it faces me.

It's cliche, but people change when they move to the other end of the world, or the other end of the province. You don't realize how much you've lost by being the one left behind. But, you get used to losing things you never really had, you look back and realize they were fads. I went out with the 80s.


then / after